That's a bit of a lengthy title but it conveys the message, quickly. Can you hear me?

i experienced the Outpouring of the Holy Spirit tonight in Church in jail. A young man that i met earlier this year at the laundromat, came to work with me after a month or so, and tonight he went with me for a second time to Church. What we all experienced was God first hand, saving the heart of a young man that was hurting and wanting to change. My friend was tired of hurting, of searching for something good in life, wanting freedom and joy. i know he opened his heart up to God tonight, and The Lord answered. This fundamental change brought on by an act of The Spirit of God is called being reborn in the Spirit and is what Jesus said had to happen for a man to enter into the Kingdom of Heaven.
During our service we have Testimony time. When my friend stood up and started talking, he first thanked the Church for the gift of a Bible. His heart really softened and he shared the pain of the life he came from in brief. One of the ministers stood up and asked that all the preachers and assembly pray over my friend, while he annointed him with oil. The air was already full of the Spirit of God from our praise songs and many other testimonies and scriptures (mini-sermons). What happened then was the feeling of the Outpouring of the Holy Spirit over everyone. We were all praying for my friend and some started singing their own songs and others receiting scriptures..... the sound of many voices, each unique yet all in one accord and one heart. My whole body shivers with the remembrence of just a few hours ago. This Church in jail is something special that God has created for His Glory.
You don't have to look for crumbs of blessings elsewhere. You don't have to search through someone else. Look into your heart and search for God. Talk to Him and seek the only way to freedom and rebirth in the Spirit of God. Tell Him you don't believe in Him and He will have convince you that HE IS. He is with you always and knows everything about you, try Him.
He's in your kitchen baking the best bread you have ever had. (Can you tell i'm getting the bread baking desire back?) But seriously, take a moment each day to sit with Him and get to know your Creator...just talk. May you also be blessed to experience the Outpouring of the Holy Spirit and the humility to know that God can use you for His Will, even if you are beat up and tossed out like the rest of the herd.... lol.. He'll pick you up and clean you up and bless you for His purpose.
i haven't written much in a long time, but have mostly walked quietly this year, learning, seeking God in prayer, stumbling over myself, and becoming an apprentice. i hope to be writing more, regularly, and on many things in my heart and mind, and from my hands at work and play.
my heart feels really good today - free. To be able to watch someone else experience God - to watch Him do something right in front of you to a man - is simply amazing, profound... or Just God. My friend knows Jesus tonight, i saw a huge burden lifted from him tonight. He is feeling free too.
Thank You Father.
Well,,,,, Stop and Smell the Fresh Baked Bread!
Love and Blessings,
Matthew 11:28-30
Come to Me, all you who labor and are heavy laden, and I will give you rest. 29 Take My yoke upon you and learn from Me, for I am gentle and lowly in heart, and you will find rest for your souls. 30 For My yoke is easy and My burden is light.”