These are pretty amazing times that we are living through.
The last month has held additional changes and challenges and has made me focus back to past directions as to why i am where i am. i had gone through much paper work, cleaning and making room while organizing the new tree house space, and i came across a birthday card my Mother has sent me last year. She went to heaven this year and memories of her bring a smile, a tear, and continue to motivate me in walking this path in which God has placed me.
"Just Think.
You're here not by chance,
But by God's choosing.
His hand formed you and made you the person you are.
He compares you to no one else - You are one of a kind.
You lack nothing that His Grace can't give you.
He has allowed you to be here at this time in history
To fulfill His special purpose for this generation."
How thankful I am that He has allowed me to be here at the same time you are!"
The rest of the card is for me alone - thanks Mom, Much love to you too.
This morning i was making the staple peanut butter and honey sandwiches for lunch and i had some Proverbs time which always provides the spiritual food for consideration during the day. Today's message goes directly with this season of building and planting.
Proverbs 31:8-9
Open your mouth for the speechless,
In the cause of all who are appointed to die.
Open your mouth, judge righteously, and plead the cause of the poor and needy.
...and as it is said of wisdom...
She extends her hands to the poor,
Yes, she reaches out her hands to the needy.
Just what is needed in this time of upheavel and those changes that were part of the past campaign promises. Unfortunately words cannot adequately describe the motivation that i've received in answer to prayer to keep me focused on His work. As i've written a couple times, it is a season of building and planting for me and manifesting those things that have been put in my heart and mind. i have fortunately been working with Stephan and enjoying the construction projects and hands on, as he too allows me the trust to take responsibility on more work.

One of the current jobs over the last month is a residence in Tupelo, MS that needed a solution for water problems in the basement. The solution was excavating the foundation walls to the footings and installing drainage pipe and gravel fill. The house also was never waterproofed at the foundation so i was awarded that messy tar see more trust to mop the right way and fill every single pore in that foundation wall. The dirt had to be hauled out in five gallon buckets and the gravel had to hauled in with the same. We have since moved inside and completed hardwood floors in the entire house, new trim, mirrors and base, as well as fixing a couple rotted thresholds. The last part of this project brought us to the basement for tile work and new tile base. It has been a great experience here and with a great variety of work.
The next building and planting i am focusing on is how this experience can be used toward the prison ministry efforts. i believe it is integral to helping both the poor and needy and teaching the paroles through building and planting. We are beginning to search on a possible halfway house location near the Clay county jail and are beginning to talk to the county about this. This is a natural extension of how to use those gifts for others and to reach out in that manner, one of action followed by words.
i'm off to check the garden and enjoy the sun shooting through the fog on this beautiful day. God Bless and Love as always,
~ antbrother