Genesis 2:8
The LORD God planted a garden eastward in Eden, and there He put the man whom He had formed.

Monday, March 29, 2010

Fresh Lettuce - 129

I wasn't planning on making a salad until i remembered the fresh baby bibb lettuce in the cold frame.  I grabbed a gallon ziplock back and began to thin the row a bit.  This helps in two areas, firstly it feeds me, and secondly it makes room for other plants to fill out.  I plan to do more thining about Wednesday.  Between the lettuce i planted in the cold frame and that which i planted in the open garden, only the cold frame was successful.  All the plants that began to come up in the garden were eaten.

I was also able to pick some fresh carrots that i had planted last fall.  They overwintered well and were vey crisp and flavorful.  i plan to plant a larger area of broadcast seed for a carrot bed around the small cabbage seedlings.  I tried my hand at juicing tonight with my "Back to Basics" hand juicer.  It's just like an old timey hand crank grinder with a fine screen for juicing fruits and veges.  The carrots worked pretty well, but it will take quite a few to get a decent size glass of juice.  Wheatgrass juice may be next on the menu - we'll see. 

Love and Blessings,  ~ ab

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