Genesis 2:8
The LORD God planted a garden eastward in Eden, and there He put the man whom He had formed.

Tuesday, November 16, 2010

Plumbago Imagination - 356

Sounds like the combination of a fruit and a recreational utility vehicle, when in actuality it is a flowering shrub with the most beautiful soft blue petals.  In the right growing conditions and a bit warmer climate than MS, a plumbago can reach six to eight feet in height.  They continue to bloom all summer as well.  This is why i have moved these two indoors in an unheated space - my office.  Hopefully they will handle the cold and last till spring.  i have a few ideas that will help, like a large quilt for their roots... :)

Just looking at the area where i have placed these, gives me some ideas on a passive solar enclosure.  By adding a makeshift back wall and some thermal mass in the way of bricks or water jugs, this space can stay warm enough (above freezing) for these plants to weather the cold.  Some simple guidelines for shelter - whether it applies to these plants or some camping shelter - imagine and be creative.

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