Genesis 2:8
The LORD God planted a garden eastward in Eden, and there He put the man whom He had formed.

Friday, November 13, 2009

Digging Bricks - Day 1?

Every now and then, i come across a pile of bricks, scraps of wood or various throw away items (you know the old adage.. one man's junk is another man's treasure.), and so, i collect things from time to time. Bricks, plants, composting matter and dirt of course, old pottery, metal work, wood... Today i was collecting worms for the compost pile. Eventually the piles of collectibles have to be sifted and organized and maybe even put to use. Well, i happen to have a lot of piles of stuff - time to organize them and put them to use.

i don't know if this is day one or just somewhere along the time-stream into the process of this project already. i'll have to get my 10 year old mathematician son on cyferin'. He said, "You know, Dad. We still have to finish figuring out that 977 thing." i am being obscure here on purpose, and partly because i am still putting this project together. 977 was a number given to me back in 2007, when the Spirit of God completely filled me and i was blessed to experience God walking in me while i could see the world as He sees. This lasted for two weeks.

Sorry to have been away so long. i started this blog for a daily blurb on what it is like walking a life of faith in Jesus Christ - following Him in The Way. This is for encouragement to all out there walking the same walk. Journaling always helps to refer back to as well - it is a comforting confirmation when i am able to read something written in the past that pertains to what is currently happening in life.

Love and Blessings, ~ antbrother


  1. My Brother,

    Oh how I love to recycle what others call junk! It is always amazing to be able to find new uses for used things. My chicken house in one big used recycled shed and my chickens do not mind in the least....My husband often shakes his head at my weird ideas... but he humors me just the same and helps me create new out of old... glad to see you posting again!!

    Your sister in the faith,

  2. Good to see another fellow "collector" out there Judy. i have to share this testimony of how the leftovers that God provided has created something amazing. A garden where there was none - right in the middle of an industrial area. More photos, comments and insights on this
